With a portfolio that stretches from coast to coast and a 70-year history excelling in the field of retail development, the Cafaro Company is one of the largest privately held shopping center owners in the United States. Asked to create a fresh new look for the Cafaro Company marketing brochure, idiq first sought to fully understand Cafaro’s current situation and unique challenges. A series of visioning sessions showed how the Cafaro Company is evolving to meet the changing needs of their markets and how this evolution is propelling the company into the future.
Based on the insight gained in the visioning sessions, idiq created a rebranding campaign that captures the company’s vibrant connection with the markets and positions Cafaro as a developer that is transforming the in-person shopping experience. The rebranding campaign has included development of a new website, trade-show displays, print ads and television spots.


Tuned In

To the Markets
To the Markets
